Titles link to the IMDB page for the film - italics indicate a DVD not currently available, color coded for Out of Print and Upcoming Releases, as well as movies where ZIP doesn't have a more recent or preferred version. Each "Y" indicates that the film is available from that column's company (and links to their page for that DVD). The Roger Ebert rating and a link to his review is provided where available - reviews before 1985 are not available online, and a few others seem to be missing. The "Interest" column rates from 1-10 (higher value, greater interest, and strikethrough indicates I've recently rented it elsewhere). The Amazon column provides links the Amazon page for the DVD in the US ("A") and Canada ("C", with price if available). The top row has totals of how many of the movies each company has in their database.
Not in Videomatica database.
Generated Monday, November 26, 2007 at 2:57 AM